PRESENT: Stuart Bentley (Vice President), Mark Morgan (Treasurer), Cllr Chris Smart, Cllr Les Tallon-Morris, Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, Alun Edwards, John Berry, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
1 Opening remarks by the President
Stuart chaired the meeting in the absence of Rob Lee, who was on holiday. Stuart welcomed members to the meeting.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Rob Lee, Cllr Mike Clarke, Geoff & Jane Bond and Clare Bridge.
3 To consider and approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were confirmed as accurate.
4 Matters arising
- i) Mayor’s Ball
Chris said that the Major’s Fund had raised a total of £13,500 and Cllr Rob Lee was to be congratulated for this excellent result.
Les added that the Chamber had contributed to the Fund by collections made during the Chamber Festivals. Mary thanked Les for this.
- ii) Public Toilets
Chris said there had not been any progress as such on this matter but it was still being addressed.
iii) Events Committee
Mary said that the setting up of an Events Committee was being decided upon at the Council meeting on 28th June.
Les said it was not certain as yet who would be on this Committee and Sarah Watkins’ role would need to be confirmed.
John mentioned that, previously, there were representative from various bodies in Porthcawl and thought this would be useful. He also made the point that the Mayor’s Charity should be an independent committee away from the control of the Town Council. This was agreed.
5 Financial Report
Mark circulated the Financial Report. He confirmed that Closet had now banked the prize-winning cheque from the Christmas Window Competition.
Mark expressed his concern that the Vice-President’s chain of office had still not be returned from Ryan and asked for assistance in retrieving it. Stuart said he would speak to Ryan and Bridget said she would call at Ryan’s business in John Street to enquire whether it could be left there. John said that was a valuable piece of insignia and it was important to retrieve it as soon as possible.
6 Correspondence
Bridget said that there had been no correspondence on which to report.
7 Events & PR
- i) Summer Festival
Les confirmed that plans were underway for the Pirate Festival to take place on 29th July. He requested use of Chamber funds for purchasing minor items for the Festival. This was agreed.
- ii) Coney Beach Charity Day
Les told members that there was a family fun day event arranged to take place on Saturday 15th July, 2pm-9.30pm, with competitions, music, games, young artists, etc. Les requested use of the Chamber beach chair and stocks and this was agreed.
iii) Agricultural Fayre
Les said that there had not been enough time to arrange an Agricultural Fayre for this year but a smaller event would be held at Trinity Church on 25th August. This was being arranged by Saulat of the Allotment Society,
8 Membership
Bridget said that, due to a busy month in her work, she had not been able to progress the membership campaign. However, she would meeting with Alun in order to receive instruction on managing and editing the website.
9 Any other business
- I) Chamber Open Evening
Mary said that she would do costings for the Cheese & Wine evening to be held on 11th July. The format for the evening was discussed and Les agreed to deliver a talk on the history of the Chamber at the event.
- ii) Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Thursday 20th July 2017.