Present: Cllr Robert Lee (President), Stuart Bentley (Vice President), Peter Fenton, Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, Alun Edwards, Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Williams, John Berry
1 Welcome
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Robert called a minute’s silence in memory of Cllr Chris Smart, who had sadly passed away the previous week. On behalf of Members and Executive, Robert expressed his deep condolences to Kay Smart.
2 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Les Tallon Morris, Mark Morgan, Michelle Smith and Cllr Tracy Hill.
3 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were otherwise approved.
4 Matters arising
- i) Proceedings at a previous Chamber meeting
Lorrie referred to comments made at a previous meeting, alleging to adverse comments made by Councillors in regard to traders in the town. Lorrie felt that the aggrieved manner in which a member in attendance at the meeting conducted herself erred on bullying, and felt that the allegations alluded to herself. Lorrie strongly refuted this allegation and said she would be happy to visit any trader who may feel that she is not supportive of them. Lorrie circulated a printed statement to this effect and said she would consider instigating a complaints procedure on anti-bullying if this behaviour continued.
Alun said that a trader member had voiced her opinion and that Lorrie had answered; therefore, this matter should now be closed.
5 Correspondence
- i) Letter from Porthcawl Town Council
Bridget said that, following her email to Alison, Town Clerk, agreeing to a joint meeting between PTC and PCT, Alison had now confirmed that PTC would be agreeable to this. Dates were considered which would be put to PTC for choice, i.e. Tuesday 20th November or Thursday 22nd November. It was agreed that Councillors should be invited to prepare an Agenda, which would be included in a full Chamber meeting.
6 Financial Report
Alun circulated the Financial Report for consideration. No issues were raised.
Bridget requested approval of the sum of £650 for the purchase of Selection Boxes to be handed out free of charge at the Porthcawl Christmas Cracker being held on 8th December. This was agreed with no objections.
7 Membership Report
Bridget said she hoped that other new members would be joining as a result of the Christmas Tree initiative.
8 Events/PR
- Christmas Event
Robert told members that plans for the Porthcawl Chamber of Trade Christmas Cracker event were progressing well and that Town Centre Manager, Mari-Wyn, and Paul Whittaker of EPM had been most supportive. The event was planned for Saturday 8th December, midday to 4pm, and would include Santa + Elves at the Bandstand giving out a free selection box Christmas gift to children, a Christmas selfie photo-pod, Rock Choir and other street entertainment etc, all free of charge.
Judging of the Christmas Window will be done prior to the 8th, with the winner being announced at the event.
- Chamber Christmas Party
Bridget reminded members that Thursday 20th December had been reserved at the Harbour Bar and Kitchen for the Chamber Christmas Dinner. She said she would re-circulate the menu choices and details for members to confirm attendance as soon as possible.
- Any other business
- Christmas Window Winner’s Cup
Alun confirmed that he was holding the Winner’s Cup which had been returned from last year’s winner, Beach Locker. There was uncertainty about the whereabouts of the 2nd Cup.
- Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Tuesday 20th November 2018.
The meeting was closed.