Present: Margaret Minhinnick (President), Alun Edwards (Hon Treasurer), Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Lewis, John Berry, Mark Morgan, Jonathan Hurley, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
1 Welcome
Margaret welcomed members.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Tracy Hill, Cllr Ellen Jones, Gemma Lewis, Peter Fenton and David Swidenbank.
3 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
4 Matters arising
i) Chamber Chain of Office
Bridget said that Peter had confirmed that the Chain of Office was now being held by the Museum and on display for the public. Alun thought it would be a good idea to have photographs of Margaret at the display and it was agreed that Peter should liaise with David (Swidenbank) to arrange this. This could go out on social media as well as be added to our website. Bridget suggested asking David Newton Williams to report in his newspaper column and it was agreed that she would approach him in this regard.
ii) Footfall
Mark enquired whether there was any news regarding the advertising screens that the Chamber was planning to install in the town some years ago. Bridget said she had not heard back from Stuart Bentley, who was leading this project for the Chamber, prior to the project being transferred to Credu before its collapse.
iii) Planters
Margaret passed an invoice for £100 to Alun, from SUSSED for costs incurred for the provision of materials for the Hillsboro Place planters. Margaret said she would speak to Saulat and establish what his costs were and reimburse him and others accordingly. Members commented on how attractive the planters were.
5 Correspondence
i) Invitation to Jubilee Service, Trinity Church
Bridget said that an invitation had been received from PTC, sent in error to a past Officer which should have been addressed to Margaret. Margaret confirmed that she was unavailable. Bridget said she had also been invited but was away on that day. Alun queried whether another officer could deputise, and Bridget said she would ask this question.
6 Financial matters
Alun verbally delivered brief financial information covering the period since the last meeting. There were no queries.
It was noted that, despite reminders, a few members had not paid their membership subscriptions. Bridget said that she would follow up with a final reminder before removing details as members.
Alun queried the invoice he had received for floor stickers that were arranged during covid. Bridget said this was something that BCBC had funded via Andrew Highway and she would check with him whether it had been paid.
7 Events/PR
i) Website Development
Jon displayed the new website, which showed additional photographs and information. Members thought it was excellent. It was agreed that a Jobs section should be added to the website and that, once it was available, all members should be informed and invited to advertise here. Mark asked if photographs of Well Street could be taken and included on the website. Jon agreed to do this.
8 Jubilee Celebrations
i) Celebrations
Margaret confirmed that the Jubilee cake provided by PTC would being delivered to SUSSED, serving approximately 45 slices. Mark suggested inviting all members to come along for a slice of cake. Margaret added offering a cup of Jenipher’s coffee.
Mark said that Esplanade Avenue/Blundell Avenue would be holding a street party at midday on 4th June and invited members to come along. Entertainment included a DJ and would continue into the evening.
ii) Jubilee Window Competition
It was agreed that Margaret, Lorrie and Ellen would judge the Jubilee window competition and would liaise to confirm the best date/time to do meet for this.
9 Talk of the Town
i) Green Top Events
Margaret said that, following complaints from two or three traders, Sarah Murphy MS had requested a meeting with her to discuss this matter. The meeting took place on the phone and Margaret conveyed the generally positive responses of the Chamber. Margaret said she had also spoken to Gemma, Juniper Hill, who had concerns. However, it was understood that Andrew Highway had addressed these matters and the issues of stall locations were now resolved.
10 Library of Things
Margaret explained that this was a term now commonly used and a facility that many organisations offered as an equipment loan system, operating similarly to a normal book library. The aim is to create a directory of items businesses can borrow from the Chamber and from other Chamber members.
Numerous benefits include:
- saving money
- saving space
- saving the environment – reducing waste and carbon dioxide emissions, saving resources
- ensuring further use of the item
- helping each other and the community (any donation would support a local charity.)
Margaret thought this was something that the Chamber could offer members and build upon the inventory of equipment already available. The existing list was reviewed. It was agreed to attempt to sell the marquee, to recoup funds, review considerations and potential ways forward. She also asked Jon if he would like to help with research, learning how other groups have developed such a project and he agreed.
11 Regeneration
i) Porthcawl
A discussion ensued regarding the ownership of Sandy Bay and CPOs. Members were alarmed to note the situation.
Hillsboro multi-storey car park plan was highlighted and, again, it was very concerning to note that no plans had been presented to residents. Margaret suggested inviting Jacob Lawrence, BCBC Regeneration Officer to a meeting, where representatives from the Chamber and a few invited guests would have the opportunity to ask questions about the Hillsboro regeneration plans. She suggested holding it in the Green Room above SUSSED. Members thought it unlikely that Jacob would be prepared to take up such an invitation, not wanting to commit to any statement. However, it was agreed to go ahead and extend the invitation.
12 Any other business
There was no further business, and the meeting was brought to a close.