Present: Cllr Robert Lee (President), Mark Morgan (Treasurer), Cllr Chris Smart, Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, Peter Fenton, Alun Edwards, John Berry, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
1 Welcome
Robert welcomed members to the meeting, wishing a Happy New Year to all.
2 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Stuart Bentley, Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Williams, Jeff & Jane Bond, Cllr Les Tallon-Morris.
3 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes were approved for accuracy.
4 Matters arising
- i) Town Council Events Committee
Chris clarified the position regarding the Town Council Events Committee: he said that Business Committee felt that it was not working as well as it could and had proposed disbanding it, reverting to the previous arrangement. A final decision on this had not yet been taken. It had been suggested that Sarah may have some training in event management.
Mary said arrangements had worked well with Sarah as Events Manager. Bridget added that Sarah organised events very well and did not understand why the need for change. Robert agreed.
- ii) Christmas Tree
It was agreed that the Chamber would participate in the Christmas Tree festival at All Saints’ Church for Christmas 2018.
iii) Christmas Dinner
Chris expressed his complaints, also voiced on behalf of other guests, regarding the service and food provided by the Salthouse for the Christmas Dinner. Mark added that payment should not have been ahead of the event, as there was then no recourse for such complaints. Robert said he had spoken to the Salthouse and they had acknowledged that there were some inadequacies but offered no refund. However, it was agreed that the guests who were unable to attend on the evening should be liable for the cost of dinners that had been booked and charged for.
It was agreed that a lesson would be learnt and no up-front payment should be made for future dinners.
- iv) Scheduled date of Chamber meetings
It was agreed that Chamber meetings would henceforth take place on the third Tuesday monthly.
A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of inviting guest speakers to attend meetings. Bridget said that she was awaiting a confirmed date from Sergeant Mike Davies. It was also suggested to invite BCBC Project Manager, David Lynn as well as Mark Sheppard. Robert suggested inviting a financial adviser and said his son would be available this. These suggestions were all agreed.
Bridget said that a meeting had been called by the Town Centre Manager to discuss the decline in footfall. It was felt that this decline reflected a general national decline in local shopping.
5 Financial Report
Mark circulated the financial report and explained key information. Robert asked Alun to invoice the Council for £100, being reimbursement of the Council contribution for the Christmas Window Competition.
The category of Life/Honorary membership was discussed. It was proposed that ‘Honorary’ Members should be dropped and replaced by ‘Life’ Members. It was agreed that this matter should be put on the AGM Agenda.
It was proposed that Barbara Bridge be made Life Member. This was agreed unanimously.
6 Membership
It was agreed that there would be an early Spring Membership campaign.
7 Action Plan
Bridget circulated an Action Plan which she had prepared, which could list the initiatives/plans agreed for progressing.
8 Any other business
- Chamber Social Evenings
The possibility of holding social evenings was discussed, with the Atlantic, the Grove and the Hi-Tide being suggested. This would be considered further.
- Closure of Nat West
The matter of a further bank closure was discussed. It was agreed to send a letter to the head of Nat West and to the First Minister.
Iii) Date of next meeting/AGM
The next meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 20th February 2018.
The AGM was confirmed for Tuesday 20th March 2018.