Minutes 21 March 2024

Minutes of the Porthcawl Chamber of Trade meeting held on Thursday 21st March 2024 at the Green Room

Present: Margaret Minhinnick (President), Alun Edwards, Jon Hurley.

In Attendance: Sarah Watkins

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence

Margaret Minhinnick, Chamber President welcomed Members present.

No apologies received.

  1. Approval of minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024 were approved by members present.

  1. Correspondence and Members additions

M Minhinnick advised that an e-mail had been sent to the Town Centre Manager reference the access route via Hillsboro and that Andrew Highway had confirmed that there would be a directional sign put in place for members of the public.

M Minhinnick advised that the e-mail from Bargain Booze had been sent to Andrew Highway and that no reply had been received as yet due to Andrew being on annual leave.  The e-mail from Bargain Booze has also been placed on the Chamber Facebook page.  A Edwards advised that he had not been able to get hold of the Rhiw Centre Manager, Rachel Bell, as yet ref the town security query brought up at the last Chamber meeting.

S Watkins advised that the Town Centre Manager had been e-mailed reference the Christmas tree discussion at the last Chamber meeting.  However, due to Andrew being on annual leave, no reply has been received to date.

It was advised that the camera equipment that captures footfall data in John Street are currently not working therefore no accurate data is available at this time.

It was discussed that the original e-mail sent out from BCBC in relation to the Town Centre Placemaking Strategy meeting was misleading in terms that the it was only held for one day at Trinity and the remaining three weeks were out to consultation online.  M Minhinnick suggested sending e-mail to BCBC to obtain an update on the consultation outcome.

  1. Update on Guest Speaker AGM – M Minhinnick & A Edwards

M Minhinnick advised that Billy Stark, Principal Regeneration Officer, BCBC, had confirmed that they would be able to provide a talk at the Chamber AGM on 23rd April.  Billy Stark to provide the details to Margaret for the promotional poster in due course.

  1. PCOT Communications Development – Website content, comms strategy, membership development etc

J Hurley advised that the membership forms have been devised and that they are ready for circulation and on the Chamber website.  It was agreed that the different methods of payment available should also be included on the membership form prior to circulation to the businesses.

It was discussed that the Chamber are keen to take any projects forward for the local businesses that they bring to the meetings in addition to any environmental issues.

J Hurley agreed to print ten copies of the Annual Report for the AGM.

  1. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at 7.00pm.

Meeting closed at 9.32pm


Minutes 21st March 2024