Minutes of the meeting of Chamber held 21st September 2017
Present: Cllr Rob Lee (President), Stuart Bentley (Vice President), Mark Morgan (Hon Treasurer) Les Tallon-Morris, Jade Rees, Peter Fenton, John Berry, Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
1 Welcome
Rob welcomed members to the meeting.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Williams, Jeff and Jane Bond, Chris Smart, Cllr Mike Clarke, Alun Edwards.
3 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were approved.
4 Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
5 Correspondence
- i) Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation
A letter was received by email from Gaynor Griffiths, Partnership Support Officer at BCBC, requesting the views of the Chamber to create PSPOs to
- Prohibit the drinking of alcohol in specified areas
- To limit public access to parts of the highway by installing a gate which is locked at specified times.
It was noted that it referred primarily to the Maesteg area and Gating Orders.
This matter was discussed and it was agreed to support the proposal in principle but to request notice of specific areas to which it would be implemented. Bridget would convey this response to the Partnership Support Officer.
- ii) Lions Centenary Celebration – 26th October
Andrew Collier sent notice by email of the above event and asked for it to be circulated to all members. Rob encouraged members to support this event, being held on 26th October at the HI Tide, tickets £10 to include a meal and entertainment. Rob added that he and his wife would be attending.
iii) Porthcawl Events Group
John expressed his disappointment that the Chamber was not represented at either of the two recent meetings of this Group, other than by himself and Christ Smart. Bridget confirmed that no invitation to attend had been received by the Chamber but that she would contact the organiser, Kerry Marlow, and ask for the Chamber to be included in this Group.
John outlined this comprehensive project, which included the resurrection of the Sea Festival. Another initiative discussed was the provision of interactive tourist/business noticeboard(s). John had mentioned at the meeting that this was also a Chamber initiative and it was suggested that plans may be amalgamated. A proposal had been made to site this noticeboard in window of the YCentre, with interaction from outside the window. Discussions were continuing.
Stuart said that he had also been looking into the feasibility and options available, which could cost around £2k.
- iv) BCBC Tourism
BCBC has funds to promote Tourism and is looking for suggestions of schemes that could benefit from this. Possibilities were discussed, including:
- Porthcawl railway line/station to be re-opened
- Brown tourism sign on the motorway
6 Financial Report
Mark went through the Financial Report, which showed a balance as at 21st September 2017 of £4,107.54. No issues were raised.
Les said that he would be making a request for approximately £500 as contribution to the Christmas Event for the purchase of chocolate selection boxes to distribute to children.
7 Events/PR
- i) Summer Festival
Les expressed his thanks to all who helped at the Summer Festival. He said plans were already underway for next year’s Festival. It was planned to use the Cosy Corner site again but this could change if this area was not available due to building taking place with the new Harbourside development.
- ii) Christmas Festival
Les said that the car park would again be used for the Christmas Festival this year, taking place on Sunday 3rd December. He confirmed that Santa & the reindeers had been booked. As previously mentioned, it was hoped that the Chamber would pay for selection boxes to be distributed to children. This was agreed. Les said that 600-700 were purchased last year, with the remaining 200 given to local hospitals.
8 Membership Report
Bridget reported that there had been no new members and found there to be a lot of apathy at the recent membership campaign when she and Rob had visited local shops.
Mark expressed his concern that there were 42 unpaid members. It was agreed that Bridget would contact these members to follow up.
9 Chamber Christmas Dinner
Rob raised the question of a suitable venue for this year’s Christmas dinner. It was agreed that the Stage Door at the Pavilion would be too large. Saltwater was suggested and it was agreed that an approach would be made to check availability.
10 Any other business
- i) Terry Jones charity
Rob read out a request from our member, Terry Jones, for support of his charity set up following a fatal accident some time ago involving his sister. It was agreed that £50 would be donated. Condolences would be conveyed to Terry on this tragic incident.
- ii) Elvis Festival
John had said that there had been recent debate regarding allowing stalls to be set up during the Elvis Festival to sell food, drink and memorabilia.
Rob said we should continue our stance that this should not be allowed, otherwise local businesses would be losing trade.
iii) Public Toilets
Rob confirmed that the toilets in the underpass of the Pavilion would be reopened before Christmas. PTC and the Pavilion were taking on responsibility for the management of this facility.
- iv) Tourism Forum
Mike said that this event would take place at the Pavilion on Thursday 26th October at, 10am-2pm. The Chamber would be invited to participate. The aim was to find ways of increasing tourism into Porthcawl. Mike hoped that the Chamber would contribute £500 to promote this initiative, which was expected to attract around 100 attendees.
- v) Jack Bridge
In warm memory of Jack Bridge, it was agreed to have a brass plaque engraved and fitted to the bottom of the gavel block, saying:
Jack Bridge
Past President
Bridget would arrange for this to be done, as well as arrange an inscription of ‘Les Tallon-Morris’ on the President’s Chain of Office.
- vi) Chamber report to Council
Mary said that she had been asked to provide reports of Chamber meetings to the Council which she had agreed to do 6-monthly. Mary thanked Bridget for helping her with this.
vii) Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 19th October 2017.