Minutes AGM 20th April 2017


PRESENT:  Cllr Rob Lee (President), Mark Morgan (Treasurer), Chris Smart, Alun Edwards, Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Williams, John Berry, Stuart Bentley, Peter Fenton, Lindsay Morgan, Les Tallon-Morris, Mary Emment-Lewis, Bridget Hall (Minutes)

1              Opening remarks by the President

Les welcomed members to the meeting.  He said how much he had enjoyed his 2-year term in office as President and thanked members of the Executive, Mark and Bridget for their guidance and support.  He said he had learnt a lot from the experience and hoped, by way of his contribution to events, had brought people into the town generating increased business.   Les looked forward to continuing his work and support to the Chamber in the capacity of Events Officer.

2              Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Margaret Minhinnick, Claire Bridge, Jeff Bond, Jane Bond, Marija Lewis, Bobby Lewis, Cllr Mike Clarke.

3              To consider and approve the minutes of the last  AGM

The minutes were confirmed as accurate.

4              Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

5              End of Year Accounts

Mark circulated the End of Year Accounts, showing an overall balance of £2374.  This was an increase on the last End of Year balance.   Acceptance of the Accounts was proposed by Chris and seconded by Les.

It was agreed that Ceri Millar should be further appointed as accountants for the forthcoming year.  Mark thanked Ceri Millar for their generosity in undertaking this task free of charge to the Chamber, in lieu of a membership fee.

6              Appointment of Officers

Les read out the nominations for the appointments, as follows:

President                            Cllr Rob Lee

Vice-President                  Stuart Bentley

Treasurer                            Mark Morgan

Executive                            Chris Smart, Alun Edwards, Peter Fenton, John Berry, Les Tallon-Morris

(Cllr Mike Clarke was nominated but subsequently declined election)

All nominations were approved unanimously.

7              Any Other Business

There was no further business.

Les handed over the seat of President to Rob and the AGM was declared closed.