Present: Margaret Minhinnick (President), Alun Edwards (Hon Treasurer), Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Lewis, John Berry, Peter Fenton, Gemma Lewis, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
In attendance: Jonathan Hurley, Website creator
1 Welcome
Margaret welcomed members and referred to the timings for the various items, in order to allow time for the Presentation at the end of the meeting.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Tracy Hill, Mark Morgan, Ellen Jones
3 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
4 Matters arising
i) On-line meetings
Bridget said that only two members had responded that they would like on-line meetings, with 5 members responding that they wanted to retain face-to-face meetings. The possibility of hybrid meetings was discussed. Bridget explained that, in order to arrange this, a linked camera would be needed in the meeting room, which was not available. The only option would be all on-line meeting or face-to-face. It was agreed that an on-line meeting could be trialled after the AGM, to give an opportunity of joining the meeting to those who had expressed that preference.
5 Correspondence
i) Flags/bunting funding for St Savid’s Day
Bridget said that it had come to her attention that funding was available from BCBC for the supply of flags or bunting for the town for St David’s Day. Paul Whittaker of EPM had been told this by Andrew Highway and approached Bridget to offer a quote to submit for the installation of flag poles flags to be provided and fitted in the existing Christmas tree holders. However, it was thought that this did not comply with a ‘green’ preference and was not favoured by the Chamber. It was also thought the flags would be too big.
As an alternative, Margaret displayed cotton bunting that could be made quickly by Cwtchable Creations, with material that was recyclable, reusable and repairable at the cost of £7.50 per 6ft. Members liked this option and it was agreed Margaret would obtain a quote to pass on to Andrew Highway for approval.
ii) Jubilee celebrations
Bridget said she had received an email from Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, inviting Margaret and herself to a meeting at Mary’s house to discuss how the Chamber could join in with Jubilee celebrations being arranged by PTC. Margaret added that Mary had outlined plans, including the provision of Jubilee cakes, drinks and activities around the Bandstand, etc. Bridget had suggested providing a Jubilee cocktail. All costs would be borne by the budget set aside by PTC.
Bridget asked members for suggestions on how PCT could contribute. Bridget suggested a Jubilee Window Competition and perhaps ask schools to judge. Peter suggested holding a competition for children to view shop windows and find the odd item displayed, entered on a form and submitted.
Margaret said that SUSSED could arrange musicians, poetry readings, etc.
6 Financial matters
Alun circulated brief financial information covering the period since the last meeting. There were no queries.
7 Events/PR
i) Website Development
Jon Hurley displayed the new website, which members present thought was good. A selection of new logos was also presented and one was selected as the favourite.
It was agreed that the website working group would progress the website development. It was hoped to have the website ready for general review in time for the AGM.
8 Secretary’s Report / Membership
Bridget said that she had nothing further to report.
A discussion ensued regarding increasing the membership fee and it was agreed to discuss this further at the AGM. Margaret questioned whether a membership fee should be charged at all and that members were questioning what they have for their membership.
Bridget said that she would list her Chamber duties and all that the Chamber offers to produce at the AGM. John suggested the preparation of an Annual Report to include such information and this was thought to be a good idea. Bridget would send him some content.
9 Planter project
Margaret said that she had discussed this initiative with Jacob from Planning, BCBC. Jacob said he would send the proposal BCBC Estates Department but nothing further had so far been heard.
Bridget said that donations had been offered by Guttridge and Pyle Garden Centre as well as a few others. Margaret added that she was now leaving arrangements to Saulat and he would provide an update in due course. Lorrie Desmond-Williams donated £20 cash to the project, given to Margaret for safe-keeping.
10 AGM
Bridget confirmed that the AGM would take place on Tuesday 15th March and that notices had been sent out to comply with the 28-day notice period required, as per the Chamber constitution. It was discussed whether to hold the AGM at a different venue, such as the Seabank, RAFA club, Cosy Corner but it was decided to remain at the Y-Centre and arrange a social evening at an alternative venue at a later date.
John proposed not holding a regular monthly meeting at the time of the AGM. This was agreed.
It was queried who currently held the Vice-President’s chain of office. Bridget said she had never seen this and this would need to be investigated.
11 Any other business
There was no further business for discussion.
12 Presentation
Alun made the point that, as much as the Chamber would support a low-carbon environmental policy, it was not the main point of Chamber meetings, which was to discuss Chamber business affecting traders.
It was suggested that the Chamber supports the policy appears on the new website.
Margaret delivered her presentation ‘TOWARDS A LOW-CARBON FUTURE’.
Following the presentation, the meeting was brought to a close.