Present: Cllr Robert Lee (President), Cllr Chris Smart, Stuart Bentley, Alun Edwards, John Berry, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
1 President’s Address
The President thanked members for attending but expressed his disappointment at the low attendance.
The President thanked Chris for Chairing the last meeting in his absence, which had continued for discussion only as it had not been quorate.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Mark Morgan, Cllr Mike Clarke, Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, Cllr Les Tallon Morris, Cllr Lorrie Desmond-Williams, Jeff & Jane Bond, David Newton-Williams.
3 To approve the Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes were confirmed as accurate.
4 Matters arising from the minutes
- i) Council Events Committee
Chris explained the set-up of the Council Events Committee which comprised 7 Councillors + 2 co-opted members, i.e. Rhiannon Kingsley and Bridget Hall. Sarah Watkins would provide the administration of the Committee.
John asked why the Events Committee was run primarily as a Council meeting. Robert explained that this was a decision by the Council, being the holder of funds.
- ii) Tourism Initiative – Pavilion
Chris said that the recent event had been well attended and very worthwhile, with a good cross-section of attendees.
Robert said that Revive and Thrive (Consultants) were impressed with the event and the local support that had been given to it.
Robert referred to the previous request to the Chamber for £500 by the organisers for support of the event and said that this was not now required as the Pavilion had provided financial backing.
Stuart said next conference would build on the success of the initial conference and he thought it would be of benefit to the Town.
iii) Events Group
John said Ceri Marlow had been away and nothing had been progressed following the initial meeting.
- iv) Porthcawl Tourism Map
As deferred from the previous meeting, a discussion ensued regarding the proposal by Paul Whitaker (who is running next year’s Jazz Festival) offering Chamber members the opportunity to list their business in a pocket map that he would produce, at the discounted cost of £125 per advert. It was decided that the Chamber would not participate in this scheme as the advertising focus was currently on the proposed Interactive Tourism Boxes to be erected around the town.
Stuart added that he had further been in discussions with John Berry and others regarding the Interactive Tourism Boxes and it was proposed that they would be erected at various sites across the Town, i.e. Y-Centre, Bus stop, Harbourside, Griffin Park, etc.
- v) Christmas Tree Festival – All Saints church
It was agreed that the Chamber would provide a Christmas Tree for the Chamber and that Robert would coordinate with Bridget.
5 Financial Report
In the Treasurer’s absence, members reviewed the latest financial report.
It was agreed that the Chamber would fund the Christmas Window prizes, i.e. 1st Prize £100, 2nd Prize £50, 3rd Prize £25.
Stuart suggested looking the possibility of offering business insurance at preferential rates to our members, which would be counted as a membership attraction. Alun added that this could also extend to general financial and legal advice as well as information on certain obligations such as compulsory workplace pensions to staff. We should try to negotiate for such specialised information to be made available.
Chris said this was the type of information that Revive and Thrive want to offer.
John made the point that such suggestions are often made but never implemented and the need for a formal Action Plan. This was agreed.
6 Events
- i) Christmas Festival
Bridget said that plans had been finalised for the Christmas Festival, taking place on 3rd December.
- ii) Christmas Dinner
Bridget said that there had been a good response for attendance and that she would send out the final guest list to all attending. Bridget would be making the full and final payment for the numbers confirmed and then gain reimbursement from all attending.
7 Correspondence
There had been no correspondence on which to report.
8 Membership Report
Bridget said that there had been no new members to report. It was agreed that this should now be a campaign for early New Year, when a review would be made also of current unpaid members.
9 Any other business
- i) Scheduled date of Chamber meeting
A discussion ensued regarding changing the scheduled meeting date as the current date often clashed with Council meetings. It was suggested that the date be changed 3rd Tuesday of each month. Bridget would enquire with the Y-Centre whether this date was available.
- ii) Speakers at meetings
Following on from an earlier discussion, Robert suggesting inviting Sergeant Mike Davies to speak at a future meeting.
Chris also suggested that Bridgend Business Forum be invited to talk about pensions. Alun added that the Chamber was a member of Bridgend Business Forum.
iii) Y-Centre – Centre Manager
John reported that Claire Bridge had now left her position as Centre Manager. Jane Fielding, previously the Accounts Manager, had been appointed as Centre Manager.
- iv) BCBC – Project Officer
Chris reported that David Lyn had been appointed Project Officer with BCBC. Chris said this appointee had excellent experience and looked promising for his new post.
- v) Date of next meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 18th January 2018