Present: Cllr Robert Lee (President), Les Tallon-Morris, Peter Fenton, John Berry,
Cllr Mary Emment Lewis
1 Welcome
Robert thanked the few members for attending. Although the meeting was not quorate, it was agreed to continue the meeting on an information only basis, with no decisions being taken.
2 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Michelle Smith, Alun Edwards, Mark Morgan and Tracy Hill.
3 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
Mary asked for a change to Minute 4 (i) 2nd line, which should have read ‘Councillor’ not ‘Councillors’ The minutes were otherwise approved, subject to any points being questioned by other members.
4 Matters arising
- i) Joint meeting of PTC/PCT
Bridget confirmed that no date had yet been confirmed for a joint meeting. It was hoped that a meeting could be arranged early in the New Year.
5 Correspondence
- i) Harbourside Development
Bridget said that Cllr Mike Clarke had offered to attend a Chamber meeting to give an update on the current progress at the Harbourside Development. It was agreed to arrange this early in the New Year, subject to Mike’s availability.
6 Financial Report
No issues were raised.
7 Membership Report
Bridget said that there had been several new members joining the Chamber of Trade as a result of the Christmas Tree initiative. Members thought this was excellent news. Robert thanked Bridget for her hard work in connection with this.
It was agreed that a different venue would be arranged occasionally for PCT meetings, which would offer a more social occasion to meetings.
8 Events/PR
- Christmas Event
Robert told members that plans were now on course for the Christmas Cracker event being held on Saturday 8th December and would include Santa + Elves at the Bandstand giving out a free selection box Christmas gift to children, a Christmas selfie photo-pod, Rock Choir and other street entertainment etc, all free of charge.
Judging of the Christmas Window will be done prior to the 8th, with the winner being announced at the event.
- Chamber Christmas Party
Bridget reminded members that Thursday 20th December had been reserved at the Harbour Bar and Kitchen for the Chamber Christmas Dinner. She said she would re-circulate the menu choices and details for members to confirm attendance as soon as possible.
- Any other business
There was no other business.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Tuesday 15th January 2019…