Thank you to those who attended last evening’s AGM. Proceedings went very well with a buffet reception to conclude, enjoyed by all.
For those members who were unable to attend, I am pleased to let you know the results of the election of officers, as follows:
Margaret Minhinnick (SUSSED/Sustainable Wales)
Elen Jones (Jeniphers Coffee Wales, sold locally at SUSSED)
Alun Edwards
Peter Fenton, John Berry, Mark Morgan, Alun Edwards, Lorrie Desmond-Williams
I am sure you will join me in wishing the officers an enjoyable and successful term of office and thank them for offering their time for the benefit of the Chamber of Trade, with each of them bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge. Thank you, also, to the returning Executive for their continued invaluable support.
On behalf of the Chamber, may I also take this opportunity to thank Andrew Highway, Town Centre Manager, BCBC, for his generous support of the Chamber of Trade. Andrew, you have helped us survive a very difficult 2 years. Also thanks to to Cllr Tracy Hill for being Porthcawl Town Council representative and for giving up her pressurised time to attend our meetings and helping the Chamber in many ways. We are most grateful to you both.
We look forward to the forthcoming year with a renewed vitality for Porthcawl Chamber of Trade.
Remember, we would be delighted to see current members as well as new members at our meetings – held on the 3rd Tuesday monthly, 6.45pm at the Y-Centre. Please feel most welcome to come along.
Warm regards