Agenda 18th April 2023

The next meeting of Porthcawl Chamber of Trade will be held at 6.45pm on Tuesday 18th April 2023 at the Y-Centre, John Street, Porthcawl


  1. Welcome from the President
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. To approve the minutes of the last meeting
  4. Matters arising 
  5. Updates: New shops in town,  PCOT Banner, Signage at Park Dean, New BCBC Destination Management  Plan)
  6. Financial Report
  7. Chamber meetings:  Speakers/Activities (proposed trip to Cenin Renewables)
  8. Future events – the King’s Coronation (Picnic in the Park 6th May, The Big Help Out, 8th  May)
  9. Social Media/Website (Green Top events continue)
  10. Regeneration
  11. PRESENTATION:  Guest Speaker:  Ella Williamson, Local Sustainable Development Officer:  Regeneration / Better Porthcawl
  12. Any other business