Present: Margaret Minhinnick (President), Alun Edwards (Treasurer), Elen Jones (Vice-President), Jonathan Hurley, David Swidenbank, Gemma Lewis, Les Tallon-Morris, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
1 Welcome
Margaret welcomed members to the meeting.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Mary Emment Lewis and John Berry.
3 To consider and approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were approved as being accurate.
4 Matters arising
i) Pakistan Disaster Appeal
Bridget asked for confirmation of the amount that had been collected for this appeal. Margaret explained that £175 was collected but then it was doubled by DEC to £350. There was still a few collection boxes to collect.
Elen suggested nominating charities that the Chamber could support in the future. This would be further discussed.
ii) Website/Social Media
Margaret asked Jon to arrange training and asked how our social media could be improved. Les suggested asking Steve Flett to help with our social media, which should be linked to local businesses and possible initiatives set up. It was agreed to do this and invite Steve Flett to a meeting early in the New Year to discuss and progress.
iii) Regeneration
Margaret said that the land had now been appropriated, by the BCBC Scrutiny Committee. However, Elen pointed out that there are still a few unanswered questions. Margaret mentioned that, herself, Jamie Strong and Don Tickner had each been allocated only a 3-minute slot to express viewpoints.
Les made the point that it was always going to be impossible to get all residents of Porthcawl to agree
Alun reminded members that there was previously a Regeneration Forum, whereby public were invited but those have now stopped.
5 Finance/Membership
No financial report was given but Alun confirmed there had been no activity on the account, other than the usual charges.
In regard to membership, Alun said that he would be providing an up-to-date list of members once the membership renewal fees had been received in January.
Gemma suggested advertising in the Seaside News but other members thought this might be expensive. Gemma agreed to look into this.
Les suggested offering a reciprocal arrangement to the Editor of the Seaside News, Mark. Bridget agreed to pursue this suggestion.
Les said that the Atlantic hotel would soon be opening and suggested approaching the new owner with an offer of membership. David made the point that the same owner of the Atlantic also newly-owned Fairway.
6 Correspondence/Talk of the Town
- Victorian Day in Porthcawl
Les confirmed that he would liaise with the Museum regarding the loan of the Chamber’s snow machine for the Victorian Day.
Bridget said she had received an email from Kerry Grabham, displaying PTC’s initiative for a lantern-making workshop which was open to all on 27th November at 10.30am at Griffin Park Bowls Club. Children participating in this would then be invited to the lantern parade and Lights Switch-on event on 3rd December at 6.30pm
David confirmed that the Lucie train would be free of charge.
Elen confirmed that she had written to BCBC Licensing, requesting clarification on the necessity for an alcohol license for Victorian Day. Elen was awaiting a reply.
Margaret said she hoped that SUSSED would be putting on a Victorian Tea.
David said that Dockside would be putting on a special Victorian lunch on that day.
- Marquee
Les referred to the Chamber’s enquiry regarding the marquee with a view of selling it, and confirmed it was in good condition but was large and not that easily transported/handled. He suggested speaking to the previous Treasurer, who might have the receipt of purchase showing further details.
7 Christmas events
i) Christmas Trees for Porthcawl Town
Bridget confirmed that BCBC (via Andrew Highway) had approved Paul Whittaker’s estimate for the supply, fit and maintenance of Christmas trees for Porthcawl Town and these would be installed in time for the Lights Switch-on event/Victorian Day.
ii) Chamber Christmas Tree at All Saints’ Church – Rotary initiative
Elen delivered a powerpoint presentation on ideas for a new Christmas Tree, which will be set up at All Saints’ Church for the Rotary initiative. The options were considered and it was agreed that, given the circumstances, the trees being sited there for 1 week, a second-hand artificial tree would be preferable. Tree decorations were discussed, and a few suggestions given to include the shop logo and the Chamber logo. Margaret asked Jon if the shop logo images on the website could be printed off and used. He said yes. Elen, Jon and Margaret to liaise. Alun said he would email designs he had previously used.
iii) Christmas Dinner
Bridget confirmed that the Christmas Dinner had been booked at the Dockside Restaurant for Tuesday 13th December, 7pm for 7.30pm. Dockside had agreed a special price of £25 for 2-courses (starter OR pudding, with a main course) Bridget confirmed that to date there had been a good response to attend. Bridget said that Kerry Grabham, Ceri and Sarah from PCT had been invited. It was agreed to invite the Mayor Mark Chegwin + partner as guest of the Chamber.
iv) Shop Window Competition
Bridget confirmed that BCBC had kindly agreed to sponsor the prizemoney of £175 for the Christmas Shop Window Competition.
David suggested making it a Victorian Christmas window competition, to match the Victorian event in Porthcawl and this was agreed.
It was agreed to hold bi-monthly meetings, with formal accounts given bi-monthly also.
Elen reiterated her suggestion of holding meetings at shops in the town, with each member given a short presentation on their own business. This idea would be re-considered at the next meeting.
Alun said that more should be made of social meetings and members should be asked for suggestions of what the Chamber should be doing to improve.
8 Chamber meetings
Following on from last meeting’s discussion, the following schedule of meetings was agreed:
Jan – full meeting with a discussion on ideas for promoting Fairtrade Fortnight, 27th February – 12th March.
Feb – Full meeting, with AGM discussion.
March – AGM
April – Guest speaker
9 Any other business
i) Next meeting
There will be no meeting in December, as the Christmas Dinner will be taking place on Tuesday 13th December. The next meeting will be held on 17th January 2023, which will be a full meeting.
There was no further business and the meeting was brought to a close.