Present: Margaret Minhinnick (President), Alun Edwards (Treasurer), Elen Jones (Vice-President), Jonathan Hurley, Catherine Price, Shaun Bingham, David Swidenbank, Mark Morgan, Cllr Mary Emment-Lewis, Bridget Hall (Minutes)
In attendance: Ceri Joseph and Paul, Museum
1 Welcome
Margaret welcomed members to the meeting and introduced new member, Catherine Price from Imaginarium, Lias Road.
2 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Gemma and Lorrie.
3 Museum – Victorian Christmas Event in Porthcawl
Ceri and Paul addressed the meeting with a summary of what the Museum had planned for the Victorian Christmas-themed Event, taking place on Saturday 3rd December, and circulated a leaflet giving details. It was hoped that shops, shoppers, residents and visitors would participate in the event by dressing shop windows and wearing Victorian styled clothing in town for the day. Stalls have been planned also continuing this theme, as well as the Porthcawl Town Orchestra and the Museum Choir booked. It was hoped there would be further attractions. Ceri said that she and Paul had called on traders in the town, explaining what they were planning and had received a positive response. The Museum hoped this would become an annual event, expanding and improving each year.
It was discussed how the Chamber could participate and it was suggested that SUSSED could possibly arrange mulled wine and soup for the day. The necessity for an alcohol licence was discussed. Mary said food hygiene rating would also be needed.
Elen suggested getting a banner made with a blank space for changing the date each year.
Mary confirmed that on the same day, PTC would be providing mulled wine and a Christmas event at Griffin Park and confirmed the Rotary cavalcade for 3rd December.
Ceri said the Museum would like to borrow the Chamber’s snow-machine for this event. Bridget said that Les Tallon Morris would be the best person to contact to ask for help with this, as he was familiar with it from previous use.
Julia of Dockside Restaurant said that they hoped to put on a Victorian-themed menu on that day.
It was agreed that the Chamber would certainly support this event and that Bridget would be in touch with Ceri to progress.
4 To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
5 Matters arising
i) Large information screens
Margaret confirmed that the Information Screens were currently in storage and needed to be taken out for inspection and then a plan agreed about their future use. PTC was aware of PCT’s interest in participating in the revival of this initiative. Bridget made the point that PCT was only in a position to supply information, not to actually maintain or service them. Town Clerk would do a feasibility study and then approach the Chamber to manage.
ii) Trecco Bay signage
Margaret said there had been no response to the Chamber’s letter asking for signage to be installed directing visitors to the town’s shops.
iii) Chamber meetings
The proposal to hold bi-monthly meetings was further discussed and this was agreed by members present. This would alternate with bi-monthly speakers or social meeting.
It was agreed that November would be a normal meeting in view of matters for discussion. There would be no meeting in December, as the Chamber Christmas Dinner would take place then.
It was agreed that financial accounts would also be delivered bi-monthly, with the bank balances given verbally at other meetings.
Mary referred to the personal cheque she had given from the Jubilee funds, which Alun confirmed had been banked.
iv) Pakistan DisasterAppeal
Margaret confirmed that a total of £175 £350 (???) had been collected for this appeal and sent to the Disaster and Emergency Fund.
6 Finance
No report was given. Alun confirmed that there was a total of £2,011.11 in all three accounts.
7 Talk of the Town
Nothing to report this month.
8 Website/Social Media
Margaret said that Jon would be providing training for managing the website.
Social media was discussed and Jon explained that the Chamber should have a review of the two accounts.
It was agreed to ask Andrew Highway if there were any social media for business courses available.
9 Christmas Events
i) Christmas Trees
Bridget said that Andrew Highway had confirmed that there was funding available for Christmas Trees for the town, as in previous recent years, and asked if members wanted to take up this offer again this year. This was agreed.
ii) Christmas Parade
Bridget said that there had been a proposal from Paul Whittaker to put on a Christmas Parade in the town, as had been done 3 years ago, although funding was not certain. This was discussed and it was suggested that any funding could be used to putting on an event on the same day as the Victorian Christmas Day. Bridget said she will establish the funding position with Andrew Highway.
iii) Rotary Christmas Tree display – All Saints Church
Bridget said that the Chamber had been formally invited to join the annual Christmas Tree display at All Saints Church, with set-up on 5th December. Bridget commented that a new Christmas Tree would be needed. Margaret said she would speak to Elen and Gemma to see if there were any ideas for an environmentally-friendly alternative.
iv) Chamber Christmas Dinner
Bridget asked for suggestions of a venue to hold the Christmas Dinner. Dockside was suggested and Bridget said she would liaise with Julia in regard to a date and costings.
10 Regeneration
Margaret updated members saying that there was expectation that there would be a ‘Call-In of Cabinet Decision: Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration: Appropriation of Land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay’.
Margaret confirmed that a steering group, named Better Porthcawl, had been set up hoping to establish a co-production process with BCBC. If successful it would work with Officers, Councillors and representatives from the community sector in Porthcawl. The process of ‘co-production’ is when professionals work in partnership with people who have ‘lived’ experience to inform, to re-define our shared vision and values, building consensus to share the responsibility to achieve mutual solutions throughout.
11 Any other business
i) Next meeting
The next meeting would be held on 15th November.
There was no further business and the meeting was brought to a close.