Improving the look of the access into Porthcawl Town Centre from Hillsborough Place Car Park, through to James Street.
Porthcawl residents have long awaited, and at times over the years, requested that this particular access into Porthcawl Town Centre is made to look more attractive and inviting.
We know that the development at Salt Lake and the supermarket have a responsibility to encourage links into the town eventually.
However, meanwhile our thoughts are to create a scheme ourselves, which could be removed later e.g. establish a series of suitable planters, which we would maintain as necessary.
The aim is to improve the welcome into the town. At the pedestrian access from Hilsborough car park, James Street into the centre of the Town.
The plan is for the planters not to be permanent – should the area be part of the Porthcawl redevelopment site.
Permission has, in principle, been agreed from BCBC Highways and Estates dept.
OUTLINE IDEAS for Porthcawl planters
We envisage Planters to made from recycled wood e.g. from palettes with a design sculptured to fit to the contours of the land. This would make the task less arduous as the land is rough and uneven.
The path and the steps areas would remain and be worked into the scheme.
It may be possible to scatter wildflower seeds over the surrounding uneven land. However, the actual planting selected for the ‘planters’ would be as pollinator-friendly as we are able.
Plans aim to keep maintenance and the costs down – we will need soil/compost, bulbs, donated plants, wildflower seeds and would be grateful for any help, further ideas and donations.
We have already started – with the help and guidance of Saulat Abbasi – collecting and dis-mantling palettes, remaking into planters, lining with a plastic to protect and treating with a fence preservative.
Margaret Minhinnick